
Homeownership 10 Ways to Save Money by Going Green Contrary to popular belief, going green does not have to be hard or cost money, in fact it can even save you money. There are many small things that you and your family can do within your home to save money while reducing landfill waste and the use of natural resources. Discover a few ways […]
Homeownership Technology in Your Home Every year there are more products that come out to automate your home. There are many reasons to add technology and to automate your home including safety, security, efficiency and convenience. Here are some reasons and products that are must have for your home. For SafetyThere are many products that will help keep your family and […]
Helpful Hints Your Winter Home Maintenance Checklist Winter is a magical season to spend at home. We all want to be able to enjoy the shorter days and longer nights from the comfort of our homes while we watch the season change. To truly enjoy this winter at home with peace of mind, you’ll want to complete a home maintenance checklist to […]
Homeownership A Guide to Going Low-to-Zero Waste Making the switch to a more sustainable household won’t happen overnight, but there are simple steps you can take to cut down on your home’s waste. Start your waste-reducing process by getting to know your local disposal guidelines. What you can recycle varies at both the state and city level. Check your local municipality’s website […]
Homeownership Your Guide to Going Solar For homeowners looking to reduce their home’s carbon footprint, increase its sustainability, and add value to their property, going solar is an obvious choice. Understanding how solar works and how to maximize its benefits are key first steps in your journey to becoming a solar energy-producing household. How does solar work? The technology that turns […]
Homeownership DIY Home Projects In recent months, homes have taken on additional roles as offices, schools, and places of entertainment as staying at home has become the norm. With the extra time spent inside and the additional wear and tear on your home, this is a perfect time for those Do-It-Yourself projects you’ve been wanting to get done. Before […]
Financial Information A Guide to Mortgage Assistance During COVID-19 For some homeowners who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a high level of concern about paying their mortgage. Fortunately, there are options to aid struggling homeowners from governments, financial institutions, and loan providers. The following information is intended to provide clarity on which financial relief options are available to you […]
Homeownership Saving in the Laundry Room When it comes to household expenses, staying at home has brought about savings in some areas, while increasing expenses in others. The laundry room has likely seen an uptick in usage, with its associated costs following suit. Save your energy and money by keeping these tips in mind as we continue to adapt to being […]
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Helpful Hints Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality Most of us tend to think of air pollution as something that occurs outdoors where car exhaust and factory fumes proliferate, but there’s such a thing as indoor air pollution, too. Since the 1950s, the number of synthetic chemicals used in home products have increased drastically, while homes have become much tighter and better insulated. […]
Homeownership What ‘s My Home Worth? The Downside to Home Valuation Tools What’s your home worth? It is a seemingly simple question. However, discovering the worth of your home is more complicated than it might seem. Sites like Zillow, Redfin, Eppraisal, and others have built-in home valuation tools that make it seem easy, but how accurate are they? And if you get three different answers, which one […]
Helpful Hints Home Security for the Holidays The holiday season can bring joy and peace, but it can also bring package thieves and burglary. Stay safe this winter by taking a few precautions with your home security. From old-school security tricks to new digital home monitoring tools, there are many options when it comes to keeping our homes safe and preserving that […]
Buyers The Risks and Rewards of Purchasing a Bank-Owned Home The process of purchasing a home directly from a lender can be long and arduous, but could very well be worth it in the end. If you have your sights on a particular home or are looking to find a deal on your first, working directly with the lender may be your only option. Purchasing […]
Decorating Tips 7 Tips to Refresh Your Home The craving to move happens to every homeowner as they start to feel bogged down, or like they need a restart. That sense of newness doesn’t have to be dramatic, however. The great part about having a home of your own is you can make improvements and give your home a chance to evolve over […]
Homeownership Planning for the Life Expectancy of Your Home Nothing in life lasts forever – and the same can be said for your home. From the roof to the furnace, every component of your home has a lifespan, so it’s a good idea to know approximately how many years of service you can expect from them. This information can help when buying or selling […]
Homeownership A Cautionary Tale. Don’t take your sewer line for granted! Sewer line repairs can be a costly nightmare; read this horror story and take note of some tips to make sure this does not happen to you Sewer lines are something we don’t really think about until there is a problem, and the lines back up, usually on Thanksgiving or when we are on vacation! […]