Dear friends,
Please join my office, Windermere Real Estate Mount Baker on Thursday, April 18, from 5:30 – 8:30pm for a reception with our spring artists, Lori and Frank Duckstein. Refreshments will be served. Please let me know if you’ll be able to attend, and see more about the artists below.

Lori Duckstein:Many of my images are of places where I’ve been and/or would want to wander. Images of landscapes and landscapes with houses. Perhaps because my father was an architect and I spent a lot of time as a child watching him draw houses and in crawling around construction sites, I became aware early on of the singular importance of these structures – in enclosing, protecting and soaking up the essence of the people they contain. As for the figurative work, the aim is to express personal interiors, captured moments, moments of personal connections.
I enjoy exploring through paint, landscapes and cityscapes where possibilities lie behind every door or tree or bend in the road. Stories abound there – and in the figural work as well.
Stylistically, I appreciate the power in simplicity of form, which I try to incorporate in both my landscapes and figural work. My goal in painting is simply to express my vision and create a response in the viewer.
While I sometimes work with multi-media materials or oil pastels on paper, most of my work is in acrylics. Basically, I enjoy employing the most direct route between my vision and the canvas or paper.

Frank Duckstein: I have been interested in Photography for a long time. In the past I concentrated more on the process that is (or was) happening in the darkroom. Over the last few years I have accepted the fact that digital photography in combination with the sophisticated software that is available these days, allows photographers a very similar level of creativity and spontaneity in the approach to selection and execution of images.
I was introduced to taking pictures and to the concept of looking at one’s surroundings through a viewfinder by my mother, who studied photography and used the end of the Berlin blockade as one of her study-exercises. Those black and white images that she created in 1948 are in my mind an ideal combination of artistic interpretation, personal view, and historic documentation.