Events March 26, 2019

YOU’RE INVITED: Annual Wine Tasting & Lawn Bowling Event

I had so much fun with friends, colleagues and former clients at last year’s annual wine tasting and lawn bowling event hosted by my office, Windermere Mount Baker Real Estate. Hope you can join us this year!

Thursday, May 9th
6 – 8:30 pm

Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club
4103 Beacon Ave. South | Seattle, WA 98

A fun evening of wine tasting and lawn bowling. Great wines – including a fabulous award winner! If you find something you like, purchase it direct from the vintners at a discount. We will also have yummy appetizers. And free drawings for a delicious bottle to take home.

Clubhouse and greens are located west of the Jefferson Park Golf clubhouse and driving range. Turn west on to a road just south of the golf clubhouse, alongside the putting green. You’ll wind around a bit to reach the lawn bowling clubhouse.