From Serena February 4, 2019

FROM SERENA: My Baja Journey

These three little ones got all dressed up for the Mutt Strut at the first Annual Baja Dogs La Paz Fundraiser.

Dear friends,

I am writing this from Baja, Mexico, so please don’t hate me! Jacki and I are here to visit friends, get some much-needed sun, and attend the first big fundraiser benefiting Baja Dogs La Paz, Inc.–the dog rescue organization that we’ve been involved in for many years.

Of course, we had to bring our own dogs who are street dogs from La Paz, as well as some much-needed supplies for the organization, such as some kennels and lots of new leashes and collars generously donated by my lovely neighbor Susan Moss, who owns All the Best Pet Care stores.

It was a very fun event, including a “Mutt Strut” where 16 dogs who were up for adoption were paraded in fancy homemade costumes by their rescutistas. Check out Baja Dogs’ Facebook page for some great photos.

The organization currently has 65 dogs all in foster care. This is a grass roots organization of local Mexican, Canadian and American volunteers who do a lot of work on educating folks about animal care. They offer agility classes, spay and neuter clinics (free in Mexico!), plus fundraising, and promoting dogs on the website and finding good homes for the dogs locally or in Canada and the US.

The logistics of transporting dogs is a full-time job in itself, and I am awed by the dedication of this group. If you know anyone who is traveling to Cabo San Lucas and would be willing to bring a dog or two back via cargo, please let me know, as the organization is always looking for folks to take dogs back to the US who are being adopted or fostered (they need foster folks, too).

Hasta Luego,