Community NewsLocal Giving January 15, 2018

Happening Now: Winter Food Drive at Windermere Mount Baker

Dear friends,

My office—Windermere Mount Baker Real Estate—recently kicked off its annual Winter Food Drive benefiting Rainier Valley Food Bank (RVFB), a South Seattle nonprofit dedicated to a hunger-free Rainier Valley, and we’d love your help.

Did you know?

  • In 2016, around 1 in 8 Washingtonians did not get enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs.
  • In the nation, Washington is firmly in the middle of the pack, ranking as the 25th hungriest state.
  • In Washington, the number of people living in poverty significantly decreased over the last year, but nonetheless, nearly 1 in 9 Washingtonians lived below the poverty line in 2016.
  • 1 in 5 kids in Washington state lives in a household that struggles to put food on the table.
  • 1 in 7 Washingtonians relies on SNAP (food stamps), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which is severely threatened by budget cuts. Half of all people on SNAP are kids.
  • The majority of working-age Washingtonians who live in poverty are actively working or looking for work.
  • Since the start of the recession in 2008, Washington has cut more than $12 billion in discretionary spending from our state’s operating budget, all in the areas of public safety, higher education and basic needs services.
  • 1 in 6 Washingtonians relies on their local food bank.

“It can be easy to forget the struggle and hardship of others,” said Joe Easterday, Designated Broker/Owner with Windermere Real Estate Mount Baker. “The food drive is a way that we can show support for the great work Rainier Valley Food Bank does in assisting more than 20,000 of our local residents every month.”

The Winter Food Drive has been organized into three phases:

  1. “Oh, Baby!”– Let’s help feed our littlest neighbors by filling an entire crib with baby food, formula and cereal. January 16-29
  2. “Produce Power!” — Everyone deserves to eat healthy. Let’s fill the lobby with a tower of canned fruits & vegetables. January 30-February 13
  3. “Comfort Foods” — It’s been especially cold this winter, so let’s fill the lobby with hearty canned soups, beef stews & dry or canned beans. February 14-28

Of course, donations of all kinds are welcome (see list below). Please bring your contributions to the Windermere office (4919 S Genesee St., Seattle, WA 98118/206-725-7255) from now through February 28. Thank you!

Types of Food to Collect

All foods collected should be non-perishable. RVFB is most in need of high-protein, nutritious foods including:

  • Canned chicken, tuna and salmon
  • Beef stew, meat soups
  • Hearty soups
  • Canned vegetables and fruits
  • Dry or canned beans (kidney, pinto, green, yellow, refried or black beans)
  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Pancake or baking mixes
  • Cereal and oatmeal
  • Granola bars or energy bars
  • Ensure or other nutritional supplement drinks
  • Baby food and formula