The Mount Baker neighborhood of South Seattle was recently listed as the 29th most expensive neighborhood in the Puget Sound region by the Puget Sound Business Journal (PSBJ).
According to Zillow, the median home price in the tony neighborhood is $694,600, with a neighborhood median income of $91,373.
From the PSBJ:
The median home value in Seattle is more than $500,0000. But that’s still much lower than other tech-centric cities, such as Silicon Valley, where the median home value is approaching $1 million.
Still, families looking for great schools tend to flock to the neighborhoods on this list. Many have very low density, something that’s also appealing for families with young children.
The list is a nice mix of neighborhoods in Seattle, which tend to be more dense, and the Eastside, where there are often fewer people, but the prices are higher. That’s not true across the board, however. Seattle does have a few neighborhoods in the top 10. More.
All of Mount Baker’s 3,800-plus residents enjoy free membership in the Mount Baker Community Club (MBCC) — a 501(c) non-profit organization established in 1909. MBCC is dedicated to providing a gathering space for neighbors to come together, get to know each other and build community.